Tag: Reading


For this activity we were writing about cultural tattoos. Riley and I chose 3 cultures to reasearch about, the three cultural tattos we reasearch about was Maori, Tongan and Niuean. We wrote the differences and the similarites of these three culture tattoos. One of the similarites are  that they explain a backstory behind the story.

I enjoyed this acitivity because I got to research about the cultural tattoos.

Adobe Image Generator

LI:To generate an AI image using Specific Prompts on Adoe Express.

For this task we created AI generated images.

first we had to make our prompts, my promts was. Underwater car vehicle, red lasers, spikes, ghostified, gold, rocket back. To make your car look like what you wanted it to look like and you had to be very specific about how you want it to look like. describing the vehicle is important if you want to look like how you want it to.

I enjoyed this task because we got to create our own underwater transport vehicle.

Duffys Books Box

L.I To create duffy book box

For this task we made a box for our books to go in so we don’t lose our books, It is very important to read since it helps us expand knowlodge. For the box we learnt how to fold it nd added designs to them so they wouldn’t look basic and boring. The designs I did were the color black, I also added traditional designs on my box.

I enjoyed this activity because I got create a box for my duffy books.

Duffys 30th Birthday

L.I To create a Duffy Birthday hat


For this task we were learning how to make paper hats for Duffys 30th birthday, first we researched ideas to find out what are some birthday hats that are basic and easy to make, then after that we drew out paper hats we were gonna make on a piece of paper. We then cutted it into a hat and made sure it was the right size  for our head.

After this we then drew designs on our hat that says happy birthday, then we went to assembly with our hats showing our designs to show what we made for Duffys birthday.

I enjoyed this activity because I got celebrate Duffys birthday.

Rose Ruiz

L.I To explain what has Rose Ruiz did during the marathon

For this task we learnt about a lady called Rose Ruiz, who cheated in the Boston marathon, this marathon was the first womens division of the Boston marathon. Rose Ruiz was known to have cheated in this marathon. The way she cheated was by taking the underground train to a point where is was at least 2 miles near the finish line.

Later on when they catched up to the part where it was nearly the end, Rose Ruiz jumps in the race, but then Roze Ruiz miscalculated on when the hop in, she was infront of at least 200 people who has been jogging or running for at least 2 hours nonstop. She was meaning to  jump in with the 200 people at least was infront of. Later on she was caught cheating and was arrested. She then lost her job and lost pretty much everything.

I enjoyed this acitivity because I got find out about someone faking to win the Boston marathon


Ancient Greece Olympic Quiz

L.I To recall our knowlodge about the ancient olympics

For this task we were split into pears to make a kahoot about our knowlodge on ancient olympic, first we went around our class finding knowlodge about the ancient olympics to create ten questions for ancient olympics.

After finding out information we gathered all of  our information to start on making questions for our quiz, when we finished writing our ten questions we then shared it with our class to test there prior knowlodge about the ancient olympics.

I enjoyed this acitivity because I got to create a kahoot about the ancient olympic greece.

Swamp Tiger

L.I To create a multi – modal DLO that tells others about swamp tigers

For this week I learnt about swamp tigers. One thing I learnt about is swamp tigers are  carnivores that only eat me. I reasearched about the swamp tiger while watching videos, from these videos we took notes about the swamp tiger.

There were four main points we talked about the swamp tiger, apperance, diet, habitat and behaviour. This swamp tigers eat up to 100 humans per year. Making them eat things that only move. They are also very rare to find, it took  aboutn 2 week / 600 hours to find the swamp tiger.

The color of the swamp tiger is orange, white and with black stripes. Stripes of the swamp tiger was used to blend in with the surroundings to become camouflage. It also has sharp fangs, with massive claws. Swamp tiger being able to also run 40 mph and in the water swamp tigers can last about 6 km.

I enjoyed this activity because I got learn about this very interesting swamp tiger.

Treaty of Waitangi

L.I To find the CARE values used in the treaty of watangi

For this task we had to find a picture that the CARE values could have been shown, the CARE values are confidence, attitude, respect and exellence. Here is a example of what confidence looked like, the Maori chiefs were confident because they are willing to sign the treaty when  they cannot understand what it says in the treaty.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to communicate with my group.

Treaty of Waitangi

To research about the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi

this task we wrote  what the treaty of waitangi was signed, there three mained pees, signed in this treaty of waitangi, the three pees were partnership, participation and protection. As these pees went on they were soon broken from the Britain people. Since they were promises to the Maori indegounes.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to learn what promises were made in this signing.

Treaty of Waitangi

L.I To tell why Treaty of Waitangi is important?

For this task we talked about why treaty of Waitangi is important, treaty of Waitangi is a big part of Maori history since it changes many things in this country, we also had to talk about what is the treaty of waitangi since people need to know what is it.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to explain why the treaty of waitangi is important.