Tag: Maths


L.I To explain how to do B.E.D.M.A.S.

For this task we learnt how to do B.E.D.M.A.S, you will have to follow the order, the order is brakets first, exponints second, division and multiplication third, addition and subtraction last. It is important to follow this order so you are able to get the correct answer. It doesn’t go in the order that is shown.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to learn B.E.D.M.A.S.

Algorithm Addition

L.I To create a DLO explaining how to use algorithm solving problems

For this task we created a algorithm addition DLO explaining how to use algorithm solving addition problems. the numbers we are solving is 245 + 982, first you start with the ones, 2+5=7, 4+8 = 12,  when the number has two digits it moves up to the next place value house. 9+2+1=12, since its a two digit number it moves up to the next place value house.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to teach how to solvew addition using algorithm.

Place Value

L.I: To explore numbers (Written, expanded, numerals)

For this task I explained what place of the number goes in, when the number gets to nine and you add one into the nine it becomes ten moving the number to another plac. These groups can go up to anything but it has to start at the ones column.

Statistical Investagation

LI: To read the text, gather sort, graph and analyse the data

Our maths group created a diagram which shows the top six rivers in Auckland from smallest to largest. We used our collaborative skills to find out the data of each river. We put these rivers in this order from shortest to longest… We used our knowledge to come to the conclusion on what river is the longest out of the 6 rivers in Auckland, which is the Whau River, the Puhoi River, the Tamaki River, Waitakere River, Hoteo River, and the Wairoa River.

The rivers that go in order is the Whau River which is 6km, Puhoi River 13km, Tamaki River 15km, Waitakre River 16km, Hoteo River 28km, Wairoa River 65km. This the order is goes for the rivers in Auckland.

I enjoyed this activity because got to learn how long some rivers are in Auckland.



I learned new things about Antarctica.

First I had to research how siences survive antarctica. I found out that they survive the Antarctic because they have stations and bases in Antarctica also having in them things that are needed to survive. 

Next I had to research how long Antarctica has had sunlight. I found out that Antarctica has six months of sunlight and has the other six months of darkness.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to learn new things. I need to improve on summarising. I did well on researching.


I learnt how to measure temperature.

First I had to go on a google doc and measure temperature with addition or subtraction. Then Mrs White asked us a question, the question she asked was can temperature go below.

Next I had to make a DLO to explain what is temperature. I also had to research where the hottest place on the planet and where the coldest place on earth.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to learn temperature. I need to improve on researching. I did well on my temperature answers.

Basic Facts Boxes

I did basic facts boxes.

I did addition in order for basic facts boxes. I did this in 4 minutes and 8 seconds. I used skip counting to figure out the answer.

I enjoyed this activity because . I need to imrpove on being faster on my addition. I did well because I already knew the answer.

What is the Time

Time can be measured in seconds, minutes, days, weeks, months, and years. There are differences between digital time and an analogue clock and digital clock. 

Analogue time is used to tell time also digital time. There are two hands on the clock. The long hand tells minutes, the hour hand tells the hours. A full day is 24 hours. PM stands for night and AM stands for day time. The time in words can be different when it is said. 

Digital time is on technology objects. For example, Chromebooks, Phones, and Ipads. 

There are different ways to tell time.

Basic Facts Boxes

I did basic facts boxes in times tables.

My time was 3 minutes and 37 seconds. I did my basic facts boxes in times tables.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to do basic facts boxes in times tables. I need to improve on being faster on my times tables. I did well on getting the answers right.


I learned about perimeter.

First I learned the meaning of perimeter. The meaning of perimeter is measuring the outside of the area. You have to predict the metres or the cms of the area you are measuring. The area I was measuring was in metres because it was in a metre. For example: our class mat is measured in cm (centimetre). We measured our school field. The measurement for the school field is 201 metres. Our guess was 150.33 – 190 metres. We were 11 metres off.

Next I had to go to the google map. and try to figure out the right measurement. The measurement of the field is 100 metres. Our guess was also 100 metres.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to measure the outline of the field. I need to improve on trying to measure the right side. I did well on guessing the measurement.