Category: Hanga | Create

Duffys Books Box

L.I To create duffy book box

For this task we made a box for our books to go in so we don’t lose our books, It is very important to read since it helps us expand knowlodge. For the box we learnt how to fold it nd added designs to them so they wouldn’t look basic and boring. The designs I did were the color black, I also added traditional designs on my box.

I enjoyed this activity because I got create a box for my duffy books.

Duffys 30th Birthday

L.I To create a Duffy Birthday hat


For this task we were learning how to make paper hats for Duffys 30th birthday, first we researched ideas to find out what are some birthday hats that are basic and easy to make, then after that we drew out paper hats we were gonna make on a piece of paper. We then cutted it into a hat and made sure it was the right size  for our head.

After this we then drew designs on our hat that says happy birthday, then we went to assembly with our hats showing our designs to show what we made for Duffys birthday.

I enjoyed this activity because I got celebrate Duffys birthday.

Samoan Language Week

LI: make a pattern for Samoan language week.

For this task we had to create a flower pattern for Samoan language week. The pink for my flower shows the peace of the world. The red, white and blue of the flower represents the Samoan flag colors. I also added a design for each part of the flower to have more detail rather than only having colors to it.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to create a flower with patterns on it.


Market Day

I participated for a school market day.

First we made products to sell, the products we sold was harakeke weaviing ika, braclets and keyrings. The designs of everyone else’s one was cool but I thought our was the best, room 1 had really cool products that was very famous, one of the products they made were very famous was there slime.

Next I was doing the braclets for people, on the braclets I was able to make put people’s name in the bagwith there string to learn how to make a braclet. It was super fun because of all the music that was played, everyone was dancing to the music. There was also free ice blocks that was sold.

Lastly I went around everyone elses products and bought slime from room 1. I wasn’t able to buy anything else because everything was sold. All of the ice blocks were sold, we still had more products to be sold because of how much products made.

I enjoyed this market day because of  all the products that was very cool.

Polar Bear Moment in Time

L.I To use the five senses of your poem.

We wrote a poem about this polar bear when this man was  in a plastic box trapped, in our poem we used five senses, the fives senses are see-visual, taste-gustatory, tactile-feel, auditory-sound and olfactory-smell but we did I wonder rather than smell, for this poem of the polar I show a example like, I felt the goose bumps traveling down my spine, taunting me to not make no sudden movements as the tension slowly ate me.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to use the five senses to write our poem.

Moment in Time / Maugarei Mountian

L.I To use the five senses of ur poem.

We wrote a poem about us going about the Maugarei mountian, in our poem we used five senses, the fives senses are see-visual, taste-gustatory, tactile-feel, auditory-sound and olfactory-smell but we did I wonder rather than smell, also for this poem we talked about the past on how it must of felt like for example, “I wonder if the view seen by us today is the view seen by those who stood yesterday”, we used yesterday for the word for long time ago.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to use the five senses to write our poem.

Sound Focus – The Code

L.I To figure out the different sounds for ‘ea’

For this activity I created a DLO explaining the sound of words for example, br-ea-d could be heard as br-eh-d, this reason is when two vowels join together it could make different sounds for words, the other words I learnt that could make different sounds st-ea-k because could also be heard as st-ay-k, since the two vowels are put together. Same could be for m-ea-t because it can be heard as m-ee-t rather than the food meat.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt sounds.

My Pepeha

L.I To write and say our  pepeha

To help us get to know each other we have written our pepehas. This allows us to make connections and form friendships. This pepeha is about myself and where I grew up around, it also tell when your who are your grandparents nd when they arrived in New Zealand. My ancestors are from Ngapuhi.

Which One Doesn’t Belong| Summer Learning Journey

This week I did a task called which one doesn’t belong, this activity shows shapes that you need to think of a reason on why it does not belong there. As long as you have a reason on why it doesn’t belong there it is okay. There is more than one that doesn’t belong with the shapes. For example of how this activity worked, there is a triangle and a square, the triangle has three sides and the square has four sides, so this saying what is the difference of each shape. At the end I made my own shape poster, for my challenge to you is to tell me what is the differences between the shapes.

This activity was interesting because this my first time on doing this type of activity.

Te Reo Maori Meme| Summer Learning Journey

Our challenge was to create a meme but in te reo Maori, For our meme the POV was, when I start losing in a game. In Maori it is Ka timata ahau ki te hinga i roto i te keemu. It was very hard to make up on what meme to use because there are so many meme for each photo.

This activity was interesting because I got to relate and make a funny meme.