Category: Hanga | Create

Color Bookmark| Summer Learning Journey

For our challenge I made a colorful bookmark, our theme we used for our colorful bookmark was  summer and winter. For this task I was doing the colors, for the drawing of this theme was made by matheus. For this idea Riley my other partner fixed the mistakes aswell. I made the colors feel the vibe of this weather.

This activity was very enjoying because it  was very colorful, also adding the great theme we brought up.

Groove Pizza| Summer Learning Journey

Our challenge was to create a beat using groove pizza, for my beat I believe I made an old type of beat I would say. For my beat I used a special called Billie Jean, this made the instrument sounds different. The base of what I was making beats on was shaped like a pizza. It was alright my beat but I felt that I would to spice my beat up a little. After this change the beat to me sounded better than before.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to make a beat and how to do a beat.


LI: To follow the instructions to make your own origami diya (diva lamp).

The photo above shows my origami diya (diva lamp). Our first challenge was to watch the video that shows how to fold an origami diya (diva lamp). Before we could start we needed to use a ruler to measure a 20cm square piece of paper to make our own origami square. I found this challenging because because it was very heard to do some steps.

I found this activity fun also because I got to collaborate with my group.

What Happened Down the Stairs?

LI: To understand the 5 senses can be used to strengthen a description

Our challenge was to co construct a text using the olfactory, auditory, gustatorial, visual and kinethetic senses to describe the story behind the shoes in this image. This time we were able to speak and sat facing our partners. 

Once we had completed this part of the challenge we joined together with another group to share our writing and make sure what we had written made sense and had met the language feature challenge.

I found this activity because we were able to communicate with our partner but the shoes story we weren’t able to talk to eachother.

The Shoes Story

L.I To use the 5 senses and personification to help us paint a picture with words. To understand that personification is to give an inanimate object human qualities.

Our challenge was to co construct a text using personification and the senses to describe the story behind the shoes in this image. We sat back to back and weren’t able to talk and would have to either join our ideas on our doc or either switch our sentences up and change it. Half way through Mrs Anderson challenged us to include a rhetorical question and a simile or metaphor to the stories what what I added was only a rhetorical question.

Once we had completed this part of the challenge we joined together with another group to share our writing and make sure what we had written made sense.

After that part of the challenge was finished we used the punctuation points game to see what things I have. We marked anothers group punctuation after proof reading ours. We then had a chance to check our own work against the points table. That was fun because every point our partners missed menat we could take a point off theirs.

I found this activity interesting because we weren’t able to talk to our partner while writing our ideas.

Collaborative Art

LI:  To use different types of warm and cool colours to recreate a world-known painting from Van Gogh.

This week’s art is about Van Gogh and his famous art piece “The Starry Night”. The Class was divided into 2 groups of 16 people, 1 of each group remade “The Starry Night” in warm colours and cool colours digitally. Each group divided 16 pieces of the Starry Night with each person in the group. Working as a collaborative team we gathered all or pieces to 1 DLO to finally reach our desired outcome. I found this activity interesting because we all had to try and find the mtaching colours and the same size of the lines.

Kauri Die Back

LI: To gather statistics and protect the Kauri Tree from getting the Kauri Disease.

The following week after camp we did a research about the Kauri Dieback. Then we created a DLO about the Kauri Disease on how we can prevent it from destroying our nature. Though we can do things such as… to stop the disease from killing our tree. 

I found this activity interesting because I got find out more and learn more about a kauri die back.

Ko Wai Ia?

LI: To learn about the Royal family and their family generations.

For this week’s Te Reo Maori lesson, we learnt about the Royal family tree and who the members of the family are. We also looked at the family tree and labeled each member by translating it from Māori to English. One of the family member’s name is Prince George and in Maori it is Pirinihi Hori.

I found this activity interesting because I got to learn more about the Royal family.

Moko-Ika-Hikawaru Taniwha

L.I: To lear about te traditional history of the Tamaki River.

We hand drawed a taniwha. The taniwha we were hand drawing was Moko-Ika-Hikawaru.

In the history of the tamaki river there was a taniwha called Moko-Ika-Hikawaru. Moko-Ika-Hikawaru was from the Ngati Paoa Tribe. This taniwha had eight tails. After learning a little bit of the tangiwha we got some ideas on how our taniwha is gonna look like and where it is gonna be in the moment. After doing our taniwha we did our detail to make it look good.

I found this activity interesting and fun because I got learn a little about the history of the Tamaki River. Also it was fun because we got to hand draw the taniwha.

A Moment in Time

LI: To describe a moment that represents our experience at camp

I did a moment in time for camp.

A moment in time is a poem about something or explaining what happened in that moment. The sentences we used to do our moment in time was I heard, I saw, I felt, and I wondered. I heard is explaining was did you hear at that time. I saw is what did you see happening at the moment, I felt is what you were feelnig in the moment of time, I wondered is like what you are thinking about, for example, I wonder if I let go of the rope would I fall.

We used the dictionary and the thesaurs for powerful words to make our sentences really interesting. Our moment in time was explaining what was happening when we were kyaking. These are our moment in time poems for each one, I heard the water plummeting through the mist downwards from high above, the dark dense rocks into the calm pool below. I saw my companions eyes filled with fear slowly drifting towards the raging waterfall, that came crashing down through the hazy mist. I felt nervous drifting away from the surface and feeling a deep sense of anxiousness twitching down my spine. I wondered anxiously if I would capsize into the deep dark temperate murky water below, imagining being swallowed by the mysterious water gives me the shivers.