LI: To describe a moment that represents our experience at camp

I did a moment in time for camp.
A moment in time is a poem about something or explaining what happened in that moment. The sentences we used to do our moment in time was I heard, I saw, I felt, and I wondered. I heard is explaining was did you hear at that time. I saw is what did you see happening at the moment, I felt is what you were feelnig in the moment of time, I wondered is like what you are thinking about, for example, I wonder if I let go of the rope would I fall.
We used the dictionary and the thesaurs for powerful words to make our sentences really interesting. Our moment in time was explaining what was happening when we were kyaking. These are our moment in time poems for each one, I heard the water plummeting through the mist downwards from high above, the dark dense rocks into the calm pool below. I saw my companions eyes filled with fear slowly drifting towards the raging waterfall, that came crashing down through the hazy mist. I felt nervous drifting away from the surface and feeling a deep sense of anxiousness twitching down my spine. I wondered anxiously if I would capsize into the deep dark temperate murky water below, imagining being swallowed by the mysterious water gives me the shivers.