L.I To create a multi – modal DLO that tells others about swamp tigers
For this week I learnt about swamp tigers. One thing I learnt about is swamp tigers are carnivores that only eat me. I reasearched about the swamp tiger while watching videos, from these videos we took notes about the swamp tiger.
There were four main points we talked about the swamp tiger, apperance, diet, habitat and behaviour. This swamp tigers eat up to 100 humans per year. Making them eat things that only move. They are also very rare to find, it took aboutn 2 week / 600 hours to find the swamp tiger.
The color of the swamp tiger is orange, white and with black stripes. Stripes of the swamp tiger was used to blend in with the surroundings to become camouflage. It also has sharp fangs, with massive claws. Swamp tiger being able to also run 40 mph and in the water swamp tigers can last about 6 km.
I enjoyed this activity because I got learn about this very interesting swamp tiger.