Year: 2022

Basic Facts Boxes

I did basic facts boxes.

I did times tables for basic facts boxes. I got to do times table. I did this in 4 minutes and 8 seconds. I used skip counting to figure out the answer.

I enjoyed this activity because . I need to imrpove on being faster on my times table. I did well on using skip counting to figure out the answer.

Te Reo Maori

I learnt Te Reo Maori.

First we had to talk in Maori for 8 minutes.

Next we learnt how to say new words in Maori. We also had to tell the time. We only got 3 slips on using one english word.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt how to talk in Maori for 8 minutes. I need to improve on telling the time. I did well on saying the new words.


I learned lots of stuff about this book.

Raina wanted a sister when she was young. She was a big sister and her little sisters name was Amara, she always wanted to play with her sister but her sister was a angry and grouchy little sister.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to read about this book. I need to improve on skimming and scanning. I did well on reading for 15 minutes.


Responsiable Use

The kawa of care is used to keep yourself, your family, and your chromebook safe at all times. 

The responsibilities at home and school for your chromebook. If you ever want to play games make sure to use games with no ads because some ads can steal information about something you might not want anyone to know about. Guest Accounts are used for parents, everytime parents are using the school chromebook they must remove their account after. Always log into the school account for your safety. 

School responsibilities. Always use two hands to hold your chromebook. The school always has spare chromebooks for children that have left their chromebook at home or have broken their own chromebook. The school monitors the school accounts for us to stay safe online. There is a warranty for three years only if you have been following the kawa of care. Always remember to be cybersmart at home and school.

Always stay safe on the internet.



I learned length.

First I learned the meaning of length. Length is something to measure the length of an object. I always measure from the longest side of the object. For example a book, the side of the book is the longest point so I measure from the longest point. 

Next I did the length of a book, pencil, white board, chair, table, tote tray, and an object of my choice. The length of the side of the book I did was 35 cm, from the longest side of the book. Also I remembered to measure from the start of the ruler.


I learned synthesising. Synthesizing is using my prior knowledge to information that I have found out about. 

First I learned what synthesising means. We watched a video about The 3 Billy Goats Gruff. In the story it tells about the three brothers wanting to cross the bridge to go to the other side. They all agreed to go to the other side, it had lots of grass to eat. 

Next, each brother went one at a time, the order was youngest to oldest. When the youngest goat was crossing there was a big green goblin on the way to get to the other side. The youngest goat had an idea of tricking the green goblin. The youngest goat said “you should not eat me, I would not be a good meal to eat, ” he told the goblin that my middle brother will be crossing the bridge and he’s bigger than me”, he said that the middle brother would be a better meal than the smaller brother. 

After, the middle brother was crossing. The middle brother said his oldest brother would be a better meal to eat than me. So he let the middle goat cross the bridge. The oldest brother was also stopped by the green big goblin. The goblin said “stop there”. He wanted to eat the oldest brother but the oldest brother had no fear of the big ugly green goblin. So he used his horns to bump off the green goblin into the water. 

Last I synthesised that the biggest brother was brave to bump off the green goblin. My new information was always being brave is good for you to teach other people to be brave for things they need to take care of.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to learn synthesising. I enjoyed watching the story. I need to improve on my prior knowledge. 

Air Transport Timeline

Timelines show when was veheciles were invented. Transporting means taking someone or something to one place to another place.

It is important to check if your facts is right and when it was invented. For example, Everyone likes choclate, This is not true because not everyone likes choclate. Always remember to use commercial and other license.

Air transport is trasport in the air.



I played a game called anywords.

First the game starts off with one person writing a word down. You could either add something onto to the word that the other person wrote or wirite another word. For example, someone writes down toe,  you can add an s to make toes.

Next, I added one word between two words which means I got to points. The aim of the game is to get the most points.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to get two points with one letter. I need to imrpove on using words that are real. I did well on getting two points.


I learned jumping skills. 

First we did a little bit of sprinting. We first revised what skills to use for running. First we start off on running to the coach. After running to the coach we practised running to the orange cones. Then we had a ball behind our back foot, the aim of the game is to not touch the ball when the coach says go.

Next I watched the girls have a run to the oranges and cones and to the coach. We needed to watch the girls if they touch the ball with their foot that is behind when they run. We started doing runs to the fence. I started off by using long legs at the start then ran with all my strength. 

After that, we did long jumps. The point of the jump is to jump as far as you can. I used one foot when I jumped because when I got to the end of the cones I might stop and jump with two of my feet causing me to lose all my momentum.  

Last I had to run to the cone, my feets had to be right next to the cones. From making me fall down when I jump I have to do a squat. We last played a game, wherever you land is the amount of points you get. We could not finish the game because it started raining.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to do long jumping. I need to improve my long jumping. I did well on sprinting.