Year: 2022

Car Transport

I drew a car that has different kinds of transport.

First we wrote ideas on pros and cons on each car transport for the 4 four modes of transport, the four transportation vehicles are land, air, sea, and rail.

Lastly I drew my own car showing three modes of transportation. The three modes of transport I used for my car are air, sea, and land. 

I enjoyed this activity because I drew a car. I need to improve on making my car look better. I did well on adding pros and cons for modern cars.

Information Report

The structure of an information report is TICK, an information report is used to inform somebody what something is.

  1.  The title is what the topic is going to be about.
  2.  Introduction is to write the introduction. The introduction tells the reader what the information is going to be about.
  3.  Writing the information. The information is the body of the text, the information needs to be about what you said in the introduction.
  4. You need a conclusion, a conclusion is telling why the topic you are writing about is important.


I did a podcast about shuttle orbiters which tells about the good things about the shuttle orbiter and the bad things

First We researched information about shuttle orbiters. I had to find information about the good and bad things about the shuttle orbiter. I was talking about the bad things that happened about when the shuttle orbiter crashed.

Next, we wrote notes down to remember what to say. I wrote down the good things in my speech and kept on saying it to remember my lines for the audio. 

Then we recorded our group saying our lines for the recording. 

I enjoyed this activity because I did a podcast about if shuttle orbiters are good or bad. I need to improve on not mumbling. I did well on finding information for my good side.


Basic Facts Boxes

I did basic facts boxes.

I did addition in order for basic facts boxes. I did this in 4 minutes and 8 seconds. I used skip counting to figure out the answer.

I enjoyed this activity because . I need to imrpove on being faster on my addition. I did well because I already knew the answer.

Comment Thread

Comment threads are conversations about learning in the comment section. Comment threading is also used to help people on what they could approve and what they did well on. In a comment thread there are six things needed, the six things which are needed are a greeting, positive feedback, helpful feedback, thoughtful comment, making a connection, and asking a question about the learning which has been read.

A formal greeting is used for people that are not casual people to talk to and the greeting is used to have a nice welcome hello.

The positive feedback is used to stay positive towards other people and tell them what they did well on. The helpful feedback gives feedback on what to improve on.

Thoughtful comment helps people be thoughtful on what they did while playing or doing the activity they were doing. Making a connection is used to connect learning to other learning that was teached from someone. Asking a question is used to tell what they did while playing and make them think back on what they did while playing or doing the work. 

Comment threads are used to help people what to improve on or are used to create a conversation.

What is the Time

Time can be measured in seconds, minutes, days, weeks, months, and years. There are differences between digital time and an analogue clock and digital clock. 

Analogue time is used to tell time also digital time. There are two hands on the clock. The long hand tells minutes, the hour hand tells the hours. A full day is 24 hours. PM stands for night and AM stands for day time. The time in words can be different when it is said. 

Digital time is on technology objects. For example, Chromebooks, Phones, and Ipads. 

There are different ways to tell time.

Being Inclusive to Others

I learned to be inclusive to others.

First I had to make up a story about being inclusive. For example, “Hey, wanna play with us”. “No”. You sure you want to play with us”? Ok I will play with you’s. “Ok”.

Next, I wrote the benefits of including others into games. For example, meeting new people helps you to have the confidence to ask if you wanna play with others.

I enjoyed this because I learned the benefits of including people. I need to improve on not being shy to ask to play with people. I did well on writing the benefits of including people.

Narrative Planner

One of the narrative structures is TOPES. TOPES stands for tittle, orientation, problem, events, and solution.

The title tells what the topic is about.  The orientation tells the main characters and also tells where the main characters are in the story. Problem tells what is the problem to the story. Events tells verbs, detail by every character, Solution tells what solves the problem to the story.or the movie. All stories and movies don’t have happy endings. 

Paragraphs and narratives and different to each other. Also one of an narrative structure is TOPES. Also one of an Paragraphs is an recount which stands for TREE.

SSR Selfie

The task I have done was hot dog.

Hot dogs friend’s and him packed up swimming gear but they had a mistake they were going to Snowville island because pizza came up on the tv and then Kev must’ve  mistaken to press the wrong booking ticket. 

I enjoyed this activity because I got to read about hot dog. I need to improve on finishing my task quickly. I did well on reading about hot dog.