Year: 2022


I learned passing with a netball.

First I learned passing. To pass the netball I need two hands on the ball. Then I push my hands forward and let go. When the attackers are with the ball the defenders need to be one metre apart from the attacker with the netball. 

Then we played a game. There are two attackers and two defenders. The defenders needed to defend their hoop so the other team wouldn’t shoot into the hoop. To have an open goal, move around so you have space to shoot. 

Next we played a game of robbing the nest. In the game there are two teams trying to get it into the other hoop. If all the four balls were in the other hoop we won. I did good on communicating to pass the ball to each other. 

Lastly, we played a game of dodgeball because it was starting to rain. The game we played was jedi dodgeball. In the game there is a jedi, if the jedi gets hit the other team wins. 

I enjoyed this activity because I got to learn new skills of dodgeball. I need to improve on my passing with the netball. I did well on communicating with my teammates.

Cultural Stories

I learned different cultural stories.

First I read a short story that is short so I can finish reading to summeraise. I searched up where the story was from. I made layers for each story so I can see what country the story was from. 

Next I made layers for each story so I can see what country the story was from. For example, The Legend of the Beast Nian. This story was made in China.

Last I summeriased the text in fewer words. I next tried to find a photo or a video of the book. One of the main things that can be found in the book is Myth, Legend, Fairtayles, and Fables.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to learn new cultural stories. I did well on reading the text. I need to improve on summeriasing the stories.

Blog Posts

There are four main things that are needed in a blog post.

The four main things that are needed n a blog post is a tittle, label, text, and the DLO. If all of these main things in the blog post it is a completed blog post.

A tittle is needed because people need to know what you are learning. Label is used to know what subject that you are doing. The information tell what you did for the task. The DLO shows proof that you did the task.

Basket Ball

I learned basketball skills.

First I played a game called golden child.  In Golden child there are people that are shooting the basketball. The people that are shooting the basketball are trying to make the people that are running freeze. When it’s the last runner they are the golden child, the golden child is able to unfreeze people.

Then I played another game using passing skills. To pass the ball you need two hands, with the two hands you have to push the ball up to where you are shooting. In a circle you need to see how many passes you can do. The other team is running around the circle, when it’s the last person running they need to go around the circle, if they go around the circle that is their score of how many passes they have done.

Last I played a game of basketball but there was a twist. Everytime he would call out a number and that number is the amount of people that played the game. In basketball I scored two times in a row. 

I enjoyed this activity because I scored two times in a row. I need to improve on my passing. I did well on shooting the ball into the hoop.

Split Strategy

I learned split strategy.

First I  split the biggest number into thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones.

After splitting the number I split the other number into thousands, hundreds, tens, ones. 

Last I add the numbers up to get the right answer.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to do split strategy. I need to improve on doing split strategy. I did well on adding the number up all together.

Correcting Sentences

I learned to write the right words for each sentence.

First I read each sentence so I could see all the mistakes there were.

Then I wrote all the right words into the right sentence.

Last I saw if it made sense if it didn’t I had to figure out what was the right word for it to make sense.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to learn to write the words into the right sentence. I need to improve on being quicker for each sentence. I did well on finding the mistake in each sentence.

Ripper Rugby

I learned ripper rugby skills.

First I practised passing the ball.To pass the ball you need to use the hand that you use the most at the bottom of the ball. Your other hand on the top of the ball by the side.

Then we played a game using the skill of passing. We had to move up but the person with the ball would be infront of the two others so it would not be a forward pass. After getting to the other side we had to walk again while passing the ball.

Last I played a game called ripper. In ripper tag there was a sqaure we had to stand in, if we went out we are out of the game. In ripper tag your will have to tags by you waist. If someone ripped one tag off that means they will need to go for the other tag, if both tags are ripped you are out.

I enjoyed this because I got to practised even more passing. I need to improve passing it to there waist. I did wel on cacthing.

Making Connections

I learned how to make connections.

First I read the book. While reading the book I had to try and make a connection with the book.

Then we shared our connections to each other. One of my connections was that there were three houses for each pig. 

Last I write all my connections that I know that are text to text. One of my other connections was that three pigs made their houses out of different resources.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to make connections. I need to improve on making lots of connections. I did well on understanding the story.

Making Connections

I learned how to make connections.

Making connections is connecting the things you know and connect it with the text.

I enjoyed making connections with the text. I need to improve on making connections with the text. I did well on reading the text.

Basic Facts Boxes

I did basic facts boxes to 20 not in order.

I finished my random basic facts to 20 in 4 minutes and 15 seconds.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to do my basic facts not in order. I need to improve on being faster. I did well on focusing.