Day: March 22, 2024

Abstract Noun Poem – Courage

LI: To use metaphors and senses to describe the noun by painting a picture with your words.

We were challenged to write a poem about an abstract noun using the 5 sences. One the noun my partner picked was courage, meaning being hold to strive forward. In each line we described what we thought the abstract noun would look,smell, feel,hear and taste like. We then used wordhippo to change our words and make our poem more developed.

I enjoyed this activity because I got learn more about poems.

Polar Bear Moment in Time

L.I To use the five senses of your poem.

We wrote a poem about this polar bear when this man was  in a plastic box trapped, in our poem we used five senses, the fives senses are see-visual, taste-gustatory, tactile-feel, auditory-sound and olfactory-smell but we did I wonder rather than smell, for this poem of the polar I show a example like, I felt the goose bumps traveling down my spine, taunting me to not make no sudden movements as the tension slowly ate me.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to use the five senses to write our poem.

Moment in Time / Maugarei Mountian

L.I To use the five senses of ur poem.

We wrote a poem about us going about the Maugarei mountian, in our poem we used five senses, the fives senses are see-visual, taste-gustatory, tactile-feel, auditory-sound and olfactory-smell but we did I wonder rather than smell, also for this poem we talked about the past on how it must of felt like for example, “I wonder if the view seen by us today is the view seen by those who stood yesterday”, we used yesterday for the word for long time ago.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to use the five senses to write our poem.