Day: November 3, 2022

Kawa of Care

The kawa of care is teached to parents and kids to keep our chromebooks safe for learning.

It is important to remember to not eat or drink on your chromebook for it to be in a good condition to be ready to learn. crumbs and oily stuff will damage your chromebook. Always make sure to hold your chromebook the right ways you have been taught. To hold a chromebook you need to use your thumb and pinky to hold the sides of the chromebook. Then use your other fingers to secure the front and the back.

Make sure to always put your chrome book on a flat surface, do not put it on stuff that is made for stuff to keep warm, the reason why you should not put it on stuff to keep stuff warm is because the heat of the chromebook is supposed to flow but if you leave on something warm it will make the heat go back and forward to your chromebook. Also don’t leave it in your case in case it overheats your chromebook. 

While plugging your charger into your chrome make sure to not put it the charger hold as an angle. Plug it in straight. When trying to pull your charger out make sure to not wiggle the charger while pulling it out because it could break your charging hole.

Always remember to take care of your chromebook for it to be used for a long time in a great condition.