Year: 2022

Extended Discussion

I learned to use extended discussion for talking about sharks.

First I read the text. After reading we picked a leader to lead the group. The leader sorts out who would be the person reading the first text.

Then the questioner reads the first questioner. Then they tell the comperhender to answer the questioner. The comperhender has to tell the answer for the questioners answer and the comperhender has to have proof.

Next the Oposser has to always have a disagreement incase it is wrong. Last we all agree who is right.

Last the clarifier tells everyone if they all agree and they tell there answer in there own words.

I enjoyed this acitvity because I got to redo extended discussion. I need to imrpove on being an comperhender. I did well on being quesioner.


Revising American Football Skills

I revised American football skills.

First I revised  how to throw and catch the football. To catch a football you need to make your hands a triangle. Also when you throw the ball you put your arms up like a square and turn your arm 90 degree angle.

Next I played a game while using throwing and passing. Everytime you drop the ball you have to go on one knee. If both of your knees go down that means you lose an arm. If you lose all your arms you lose and you restart on playing the game. 

Lastly, I played a game called cone drop. To play the game there are three cones. You have to hit the first cone, the second cone, and the third cone. If you knock all the cones down there are three cones that are stacked and that is the last target you have to hit so you can win.

I enjoyed this acitivty because I got to revise football skills. I need to improve on passing the ball. I did well on catching the ball.

How is Rugby Played

I learned to write an explanation planner.

First I planned what topic I could use for writing. The topic title was how rugby is played.

Next I wrote my introduction to make my topic interesting. I needed to tell in my introduction things that are main in rugby. For example, Rugby was invented in 1823.

Then I talk about how it is played. There are different kinds of roles which are defence and attackers. Sometimes in the game a person can drop the ball and it would be a hand over to the other team.

Lastly, I talk about my text in my own words about rugby. 

I enjoyed this activity because I got to write about how rugby is played. I need to improve on telling the main things about rugby. I did well on telling how many players are in a rugby game and when rugby was invented.


American Football

I learned American football.

I first learned how to hold a football. To hold a football you need your finger that is next to your pinky. Then you hold the ball with your other hand. And you count 3 laces down. Then you put your finger on the third lace and put your other thumb on the other side of the football.

Then I learned how to throw and catch the football. to catch a football you need to make your hands a triangle. Also when you throw the ball you put your arms up like a square and turn your arm 90 degree angle.

Next I played a game while using throwing and passing. Everytime you drop the ball you have to go on one knee. If both of your knees go down that means you lose an arm. If you lose all your arms you lose and you restart on playing the game. 

Lastly, I play a game called cone drop. To play the game there are three cones. You have to hit the first cone, the second cone, and the third cone. If you knock all the cones down there are three cones that are stacked and that is the last target you have to hit so you can win.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to vs my teacher and make their pants dirty. I need to improve on catching the ball. I did well on throwing the ball forward.

Sharks- SSR Selfie

I read two pages about sharks.

First I wrote that sharks eat humans if they get close and keep moving around. There are more than 1,250 kinds of sharks and 112 kinds of sharks in New Zealand.

I learnt that to not get worried if there is a shark nearby you.























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I learned how to pass in Ki O Rahi.

First the teacher showed how to pass a ball. To pass a ball you have to put your leg behind your back and put one foot forward and with your hands you hold the ball with two hands and push both of your hands and release the ball. To catch the ball I make a W with my hands to catch the ball.

Then we played a game. In octopus we have to use stepping in the game of octopus. If someone gets tagged they have to stand like a seaweed and try to tag people while you are stuck.

Next we get into groups and make a triangle and keep passing until you have passed the ball 20 times. After passing the 20 times the challenge got harder. The challenge was to pass it 40 times. If you drop the ball you start over again.

Lastly, we split into 2 teams. There was one person in the middle and kept everyone in the circle. If someone in the group drops the ball you have to start over again.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to learn more skills of passing. I need to improve on my W with my hands. I did well on passing the ball.

Te Reo Maori

I learned phrase called “homai”. “homai” means pass me something. 

First we said homai to another person and the other person said anei. We practise using numbers with cards but it is Maori numbers.

Next I said homai to another person then they will get the number of cards I want.

Last I got the cards the other person needed. As soon as I give the cards I say anei.

I enjoyed this activity because I learned new words. I need to improve on saying anei in maori. I did well on saying homai in Maori.


There are many different kinds of situations on communication apps.

Good comments have things telling the creator what they could add or what they might need to make in their content better. For example, Part 2 pls. 

Bad comments could be a bad situation for other people and for the person who made the video. For example, “get a life, Bozo”.

There are comments that could be neither. Neither comments can be a good situation or a bad situation. It depends on what the situation is about.

There are many different kinds of comments depending on the situantion.


I learned how to step in Ki o rahi.

We first watched Ahli demonstrate how to step a person. To step a person in front of you step one leg forward then push your leg then step your other foot forward then push.

Then we played a game while using the move of stepping. We had to step each cone then come back from the other side. The aim was to try and step the cone as fast as you can and then come back.

Lastly, we played octopus. In octopus there were two taggers. If the tagger tags someone the person that is stuck has to stretch their arms out and try to tag people. If someone else wants to free someone they have to go under their legs and then they are free.

I did not enjoy this activity because we did not get to learn more about stepping. I did well on stepping cones. I need to improve on going under peoples’ legs.

The Remarkable Reti

I read a text called Remarkable reti.

First I read the text in pears because we all agreed. If we did not know a word we would go to the dictionary.

Next we picked who is the leader, comprehender, Antagonist, Clarifier. The leader reads the text to everyone. The comprehender guesses what the story is going be about. The antagonist has either agreed with the person or disagrees with someone. The clarifier either agrees or gives their opinion.

Lastly, we record while using each of our rolls. 

I enjoyed this activity because I got to do a roll. I need to improve on doing my role. I did well on looking up words.