Year: 2022

Time Diffrences

I learned different clock times.

First I have to tell what time it is. To tell the time we have to use a strategy to figure out the answer. I figured out the time by working with my partner.

Then I have to tell what is the difference about each of the hour hands.

Afterwards I have to tell what the difference is about each of the minute hands. Then I told the total of the time.

Last I made two clock times for my partner to guess the time.

I enjoyed it because I got to make my own time. I need to improve on practicing more often. I did well on my hour differences.

What is a Procedural Text

A procedural text is a text that can be used for an order of steps. Temp is used for procedural text. 

The Title is the name of the topic.

End result is the result of the finishing touches.

Material is the material you need to create the project.

Pictures and Steps, are the order of the steps and the order of the pictures. 


Inferring is guessing extra information.

Inference is gueesing extra bit of informtion. Inferring comes from information you can see. For example, I can see the boy throwing the ball so I can infer the other boy will catch the ball.

Inferring is information that can’t be seen.


Identifying Parts of Speech

Parts of speech are English words that can be categorised into 8 or 9 different kinds of words “.

A Noun is an object that is able to be touched. For example, “A chair”. Chair is the noun because it is able to be touched.

Adjective is describing words that describe nouns. For example, “A colourful chair”. colourful chair is the adjective because it is a describing word.

 A verb is an action word. For an example. “I jumped”. Jumped is the action word.

Adverb is a word describing verbs. For example, “the small boy fell quickly”. boy fell quickly is the adverb.



New Soccer Skills

I learned new soccer skills.

I first learned how to dribble the ball to my partner. 

Next I learned how to pass the ball to my partner. I passed the ball straight sometimes but I kept kicking the ball too hard and too little.

Then I had to kick the ball but with my dominant foot. I was not very great at passing the ball with my dominant foot.

Lastly, we played a game including kicking the ball to each other but the other team cannot touch the ball or else we repeat hitting the ball 8 times again.

I enjoyed it because I got to learn new skills. I need to improve on passing the ball. I did  well on communicating the ball to my team.




Anzac Quatrefoil

I created a quatrefoil about ANZAC.

I first practised hand drawing my crosses on a scrap piece of paper. I drew five crosses the same size and one big cross.

Next I measured how much space my crosses will take to hand draw and measure the size of the crosses.

Then I started drawing my crosses on my quatrefoil but I pushed lightly on my quatrefoil Incase I’ll make a mistake.

Last I colored everything in. My background was red for my quatrefoil and my five crosses of the outline were black.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to hand draw my quatrefoil. I need to improve on measuring my crosses. I did well on making my crosses the same size.

Skimming and Scanning

I used find a fact to research informaiton about a topic.

I first found a topic I was interested in. This topic was drums from different cultures. Then I choose a specific drum to focus my research on.

Next I found five intresting facts about a timpani drum.

Then I searched up videos and pictures. Of playing a timpani drum and photos of a interesting timpani drum.

Last I found sites about timpani information. I had to put in the Titlle and the author for each link.

I enjoyed this acitivty because I got learn new facts about a timpani drum. I need to improve on learning more facts about timpani drum.


Imaginitive Recount

I learned to convert an imaginative recount plan into a draft.

I first chose which idea I should use for my hook to make the reader interested in my story.

Next I chose my first event that will match my hook. 

Then I picked my second event that will be even more interesting to my story.

Last I wrote my event three and let them read my story if there were any mistakes in my story. Then I wrote my ending about what is happening to them now.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to use my ideas to make it a story. I need to improve on putting my speech marks in the right format. I did well on checking my spelling mistakes.

Prototect/Basic Facts

I answered basic facts questions. 

I first answered each question as fast as I could because there was a timer while I was trying to answer my questions.

Next I wrote ten of my wrong questions into my book and wrote the right answer for each question.

Then I answered a sheet of basic facts to see if I would improve by not having a timer on each question.

Last I wrote ten wrong answers again in my book to see if I have improved or not.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to use prototect. I need to improve on learning more of my divisons in my basic facts to get my answers right. I did well on writing down my wrong answers into my book to know the answers.

Basic Facts

I learned basic facts.

The difference between groups of and groups is. 2 groups is an even number split into half. groups of 2 is making groups with 2 people in each.

First we figured out if it is 2 groups or groups of 2 s. We then wrote down all the 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, and10 times tables.

Then we took photos of groups. For Example 8 groups of ten. 

Last we wrote the multiplication and the answer for the time table. 

I enjoyed this activity because I wrote down my time tables. I need to improve on knowing my times tables. I did well on figuring the answers for my time tables.