Year: 2022

Toilet Procedures

It is important to tell a teacher to go to the toilet.

Two of the most important thing to do when you go toilet is to wash your hands and wiping.

This is important because your hands could be with poop on your hands and its important to wipe because it would be still poo on your bum if you don’t wipe it.

Tell the teacher you’re back from the toilet.



Kilograms and Grams

I learned to convert kilograms into grams and grams into kilograms.

First we practised converting kilograms. For example, 0.008kg can be converted into 8g.

Then we practised converting grams. For example, 8g can be converted into 0.008kg.

Last I made three of my own kilograms and grams for other people to solve them.

I enjoyd this activity because I got to learn kilograms and grams. I need to improve on converting kilograms into grams. I did well on turning grams into kilograms.

Poilite Email

I learned how to write a polite email and how to join a google meet.

First I turn off my mic when you join the call, also remember to turn your camera when you join a google meet, because it is polite. Make sure to raise your digital hand when you want to speak.

Next I wrote my subject, a subject is needed to tell the reader what it is about. Then I wrote my body, the body tells what you need help.Last I wrote my Farewell and my signature.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to revise how to write a polite email. I need to improve on always writing my subject first. I did well on putting my digital hand up when I want to talk.


Diagrams show information about how an object looks or works. 

Diagrams need labels to show something. For example, a house, a house has windows and a door.

If there are two body parts that are connected you can make a bar transparent and put it on top of the body parts that are connected. For example, ears, if there are two ears you can use a bar to cover both of the ears but make the bar transperent.

Make sure to make the lines and labels are spread out to see, so people are able to read each label.

Drawings show objects in an aesthetic way.

Revising Soccer Skills

I revised soccer skills.

First I revised passing the ball in a triangle. To pass the ball you use the inside of your foot and to stop it you can put your foot on the ball or put your foot by the side of the ball.

Next we played a game, by using dribbling. If you finish dribbling you go at the back of the line. To dribble the ball you have to dribble the ball close to your foot and use the inside of your foot. We have to dribble to the other side and then back.

Last I played another game. In this game we need to use our passing skills to pass to each other. I have to pass around the ball to my teammates without the other team kicking the ball or touching the ball. If the ball goes out it is the other team’s ball, the amount of passes we need to do is five. 

I enjoyed it because I got to revise my soccer skills. I did well on revising passing skills. I need to improve on passing the ball.

Mini Procedure

If you follow these step you have problemof writing a mini procdure.


  • Pen/pencil
  • Book


  1. Open a book and find a empty page.
  2. Write a tittle about your topic.
  3. Write a end result for what at the end does the result look like.
  4. Write down the materials.
  5. Write pictures and steps and add the photos.


Audience means a group of people gathered to receive information. Different kinds at audiences are indivisual, group, and everyone.

Individual apps that you are able to talk to one person. For example, Text, it is an individual because you are able to talk to one person.

Groups are apps that people can talk to each other as a group. For example, zoom, it is a group app because you can talk to people as a group. 

Everyone has apps that people are able to use to show something or present something. For example, tik tok, it is a everyone app because everyone in the world can see it or look at it.

Communication means passing ideas and thought between each other.






























Te reo Maori

I learned new maori words.

First we practise numbers with cards but it is Maori numbers.

Then we practised saying the word for the maori number.

Next I practised saying the Maori word for numbers to 10. For example, ono. The word ono is six.

Last I practised adding two numbers all together in maori. For example, tekau ma rua. Tekua is ten and ma rau is the second number which means rua is two.

I enjoyed this activity because I learned new words. I need to improve on adding up two numbers together in maori. I did well on saying my numbers to 10.

Communicating Apps

Communicating is passing ideas or thoughts to each other.

You can communicate to people by using an app to talk. For example, Facetime is an app where you can contact people.

Tik tok is a communicating app because you can make videos to people or message people.

Gmail is a communicating app because you can send videos, messengers, and photos.

Snapchat is a communicating app because you can make videos, send messengers, and take photos.

These are a couple of apps that you can use to communicate.


Revising Soccer Skills

I revised my soccer skills.

I first revised passing and stopping the ball. To pass the ball I have to kick the ball with the inside of my foot. To stop the ball I could put my foot on the ball or stop the ball with the inside of my foot.

Next we did a reay line. To make the ball go straight we used our non-dominant foot to aim the ball. 

Then I played a game using dribbling. I had to dribble to the other side and go back. If someone lost control of the ball they would be a zombie. The zombie’s job is to make the dribbler lose control of the ball.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to revise dribbling. I need to improve on dribbling the ball. I did well on kicking the ball straight.