American Football

I learned American football.

I first learned how to hold a football. To hold a football you need your finger that is next to your pinky. Then you hold the ball with your other hand. And you count 3 laces down. Then you put your finger on the third lace and put your other thumb on the other side of the football.

Then I learned how to throw and catch the football. to catch a football you need to make your hands a triangle. Also when you throw the ball you put your arms up like a square and turn your arm 90 degree angle.

Next I played a game while using throwing and passing. Everytime you drop the ball you have to go on one knee. If both of your knees go down that means you lose an arm. If you lose all your arms you lose and you restart on playing the game. 

Lastly, I play a game called cone drop. To play the game there are three cones. You have to hit the first cone, the second cone, and the third cone. If you knock all the cones down there are three cones that are stacked and that is the last target you have to hit so you can win.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to vs my teacher and make their pants dirty. I need to improve on catching the ball. I did well on throwing the ball forward.

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