Day: June 2, 2022


I learned how to step in Ki o rahi.

We first watched Ahli demonstrate how to step a person. To step a person in front of you step one leg forward then push your leg then step your other foot forward then push.

Then we played a game while using the move of stepping. We had to step each cone then come back from the other side. The aim was to try and step the cone as fast as you can and then come back.

Lastly, we played octopus. In octopus there were two taggers. If the tagger tags someone the person that is stuck has to stretch their arms out and try to tag people. If someone else wants to free someone they have to go under their legs and then they are free.

I did not enjoy this activity because we did not get to learn more about stepping. I did well on stepping cones. I need to improve on going under peoples’ legs.