Month: June 2022


I learned abouut bees.

First I made my slide deck. In my slide deck I have to tell facts and things about bees. I told why bees are important, “bees are important because we would not be able to live without flowers and plants that is why bees are important”.

Next we wrote the script so when we come to recording we would know what to say.

Last we recorded as a group saying our lines.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to record. I need to improve on practising my lines. I did well on making the slides.


American Football

I revised American football passing.

I first learned how to hold a football. To hold a football you need your finger that is next to your pinky. Then you hold the ball with your other hand. And you count 3 laces down. Then you put your finger on the third lace and put your other thumb on the other side of the football.

First we played a game of piggy in the middle while using passing. In the game there will be one person in the middle. The person in the middle has to try and catch the ball or get the ball from the two people who are throwing the ball to eachother. If the person with the ball does a bad throw and the person in the middle get the ball that means they are in the middle.

Next we played another which is piggy in the middle. Everyone gets in a circle and there are three taggers. If the taggers catch the ball the person that throw the ball is in the middle. I was not allowed to pass it to the person next to you.

I enjoyed this acitivity because I got to revise passing. I need to improve on throwing the ball. I did well on catching.


Bad Situations

Bad situations are situations that are dangerous for your safety.

One of the most dangerous situations is phishing. Phishing is when people send clickbait messages making you be in a scam. This could happen in different kinds of apps, for example, youtube. The solution is to just ignore it.

The second situation that can be dangerous is scamming. scamming is when people are tricking you to give something for free. For example, “can I have money I will give you something expensive”. The situation is to just ignore the person.

The third situation that can be a bad situation is posting private information. Posting private information is when people ask you for information that is private. For example, your address and password. The situation is to get your parents in contact with each other.

It is important to do something about a bad situation in case it gets worse.

Whale Tail

I completed my whale tail.

First I added and my name to the bottom. Then I think about what I could put on my whale tail to show about whales declining. 

Then I put it on the slide so it shows whales to others. 

Last I drawed it on whale tail paper which means I have to whale tail that is one digitally and one on chrome book

I enjoyed this activity because I got to draw my whale tail digitally. I need to improve on thinking of more ideas for my whale tail. I did well on drawing my whale tail digitally.


I learnt to make a sequential pattern.

First I  learnt what a pattern is and a sequetial pattern. A pattern is an arrangement of numbers or object that repeats. A sequential pattern is a pattern that has an order.

Next we make a pattern that is tricky for other people. After doing the pattern we have to write what is the pattern, what comes next, then I say what is the third pattern or any other number between 1 to 10.

Last we make an answer sheet telling all the answers for the pattern.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to let the meaning of patterns. I need to improve on using patterns more often. I did well on making patterns for other people to figure out.

Extended Discussion

I learned to use extended discussion for talking about sharks.

First I read the text. After reading we picked a leader to lead the group. The leader sorts out who would be the person reading the first text.

Then the questioner reads the first questioner. Then they tell the comperhender to answer the questioner. The comperhender has to tell the answer for the questioners answer and the comperhender has to have proof.

Next the Oposser has to always have a disagreement incase it is wrong. Last we all agree who is right.

Last the clarifier tells everyone if they all agree and they tell there answer in there own words.

I enjoyed this acitvity because I got to redo extended discussion. I need to imrpove on being an comperhender. I did well on being quesioner.


Revising American Football Skills

I revised American football skills.

First I revised  how to throw and catch the football. To catch a football you need to make your hands a triangle. Also when you throw the ball you put your arms up like a square and turn your arm 90 degree angle.

Next I played a game while using throwing and passing. Everytime you drop the ball you have to go on one knee. If both of your knees go down that means you lose an arm. If you lose all your arms you lose and you restart on playing the game. 

Lastly, I played a game called cone drop. To play the game there are three cones. You have to hit the first cone, the second cone, and the third cone. If you knock all the cones down there are three cones that are stacked and that is the last target you have to hit so you can win.

I enjoyed this acitivty because I got to revise football skills. I need to improve on passing the ball. I did well on catching the ball.

How is Rugby Played

I learned to write an explanation planner.

First I planned what topic I could use for writing. The topic title was how rugby is played.

Next I wrote my introduction to make my topic interesting. I needed to tell in my introduction things that are main in rugby. For example, Rugby was invented in 1823.

Then I talk about how it is played. There are different kinds of roles which are defence and attackers. Sometimes in the game a person can drop the ball and it would be a hand over to the other team.

Lastly, I talk about my text in my own words about rugby. 

I enjoyed this activity because I got to write about how rugby is played. I need to improve on telling the main things about rugby. I did well on telling how many players are in a rugby game and when rugby was invented.


American Football

I learned American football.

I first learned how to hold a football. To hold a football you need your finger that is next to your pinky. Then you hold the ball with your other hand. And you count 3 laces down. Then you put your finger on the third lace and put your other thumb on the other side of the football.

Then I learned how to throw and catch the football. to catch a football you need to make your hands a triangle. Also when you throw the ball you put your arms up like a square and turn your arm 90 degree angle.

Next I played a game while using throwing and passing. Everytime you drop the ball you have to go on one knee. If both of your knees go down that means you lose an arm. If you lose all your arms you lose and you restart on playing the game. 

Lastly, I play a game called cone drop. To play the game there are three cones. You have to hit the first cone, the second cone, and the third cone. If you knock all the cones down there are three cones that are stacked and that is the last target you have to hit so you can win.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to vs my teacher and make their pants dirty. I need to improve on catching the ball. I did well on throwing the ball forward.

Sharks- SSR Selfie

I read two pages about sharks.

First I wrote that sharks eat humans if they get close and keep moving around. There are more than 1,250 kinds of sharks and 112 kinds of sharks in New Zealand.

I learnt that to not get worried if there is a shark nearby you.