Day: May 27, 2022

Toilet Procedures

It is important to tell a teacher to go to the toilet.

Two of the most important thing to do when you go toilet is to wash your hands and wiping.

This is important because your hands could be with poop on your hands and its important to wipe because it would be still poo on your bum if you don’t wipe it.

Tell the teacher you’re back from the toilet.



Kilograms and Grams

I learned to convert kilograms into grams and grams into kilograms.

First we practised converting kilograms. For example, 0.008kg can be converted into 8g.

Then we practised converting grams. For example, 8g can be converted into 0.008kg.

Last I made three of my own kilograms and grams for other people to solve them.

I enjoyd this activity because I got to learn kilograms and grams. I need to improve on converting kilograms into grams. I did well on turning grams into kilograms.