Revising Soccer Skills

I revised soccer skills.

First I revised passing the ball in a triangle. To pass the ball you use the inside of your foot and to stop it you can put your foot on the ball or put your foot by the side of the ball.

Next we played a game, by using dribbling. If you finish dribbling you go at the back of the line. To dribble the ball you have to dribble the ball close to your foot and use the inside of your foot. We have to dribble to the other side and then back.

Last I played another game. In this game we need to use our passing skills to pass to each other. I have to pass around the ball to my teammates without the other team kicking the ball or touching the ball. If the ball goes out it is the other team’s ball, the amount of passes we need to do is five. 

I enjoyed it because I got to revise my soccer skills. I did well on revising passing skills. I need to improve on passing the ball.

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