Month: April 2022

The 4 C’s

We learned the 4 C’s.  `


First we revised our characteristics of being a team member. We also learnt the 4 C’s of Leadership;. Communication, confidence, collaboration, and cooperation. 


Then we had to pick a Leader who is confident to lead the group. Our two leaders were Mathues and Densyn because they were confident to lead the group.


Next we made a plan and thought of the 4 C’s in our plan. We played a game that we never played before. It was hard because we couldn’t talk.  


Lastly we repeated the game, but one person in the team had to wear a blind fold. The leader of the group had to guide the person with the blindfold to pick up a cone. 


We enjoyed this activity because we learned the 4 C’s. We need to improve our communication skills. We did good on sharing our ideas.  


From Densyn, Mathues, Gianni, Brooke, and Taya.

T-Ball Skills

I learned T-ball skills.

First I played a game called noddle tag. There are 2 tagers and the people have to run from the 2 taggers, but if you get taged you have to stand on one leg and stretch yor arms out and wait until someone tags your hands.

Next I was practice running to each home bases, after running to each home base we had to undersand the rules of T-ball.

Then our team was batting first, I had to bat the T-ball as hard as I wanted. After hitting the T-ball I have to run to one of the home bases, if one of the fielders put the ball back on the T-ball holder I was out.

Last we was a Fielder, First I was getting them out by throwing the ball to Mathues while he was in one of the home base for them to get out. After that I catched the ball when it did not touch the ground.

I enjoyed this activity because I got learn new skill of T-ball. I need to imrpove on catching the ball. I did well on hitting the ball.

Comperhending a Text

I learned to comperhend a text.

First I used my prior knowlodge to read about the topic.

Next I predicted what the topic might be about. I thought the text will be about drum beats.

Last we made a connection with our prior knowlodge and the text.

I enjoyed this activity beacuse because I got to learn more prior knowledge about drums. I need to improve reading the topic. I did well on answering each question about drums.