Imaginative Recount

I learned to write a shared imaginitive recount.

First we brainstormed ideas for our imaginitive recount. The imaginative recount needed main charachter, supporting chracters, main plot, and supporting event. For the main plot everyone chose escaping from zombie apocalypse.

Next the main chracter was James, james has a blond mullet, blue eyes, and an green moustache. The supporting chraters are Billy bob, Patircia, Lee, Sahil, and Kim.

Last we did a backward s for some more ideas to write a imaginative recount. First we did a hook, the hook was running from zombies. For event one we chose to use family finds motorbikes. Event two survivor was at a petrol staion, he wanted a ride. Event three Everyone escapes on bike but they encounter THE HORDE!!. For the ending we had to talk about how is there life now.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to write a imaginative recount. I need to improve on checking my spelling. I did well on thinking of ideas.

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