Day: May 10, 2024

Market Day

I participated for a school market day.

First we made products to sell, the products we sold was harakeke weaviing ika, braclets and keyrings. The designs of everyone else’s one was cool but I thought our was the best, room 1 had really cool products that was very famous, one of the products they made were very famous was there slime.

Next I was doing the braclets for people, on the braclets I was able to make put people’s name in the bagwith there string to learn how to make a braclet. It was super fun because of all the music that was played, everyone was dancing to the music. There was also free ice blocks that was sold.

Lastly I went around everyone elses products and bought slime from room 1. I wasn’t able to buy anything else because everything was sold. All of the ice blocks were sold, we still had more products to be sold because of how much products made.

I enjoyed this market day because of  all the products that was very cool.

Moment in Time – Maugarei Moutian

L.I To write a poem about the Maugarei moutian

For this task we had to write a poem about the Maugarei mountain using the five senses, the five senses are visual, sound, emotion and wonder. An example for visual is, I saw the view of my whenua and te awa, was this a mirror into the past.?

I enjoy this activity because I got to write a poem about the Maugarei mountain.

Moment in Time Polar Bear

L.I To create a moment in time Polar Bear.


For this task I had to explain the fives senses used about a polar bear. For example I felt the goose bumps traveling down my spine, taunting me to not make no sudden movements as the tension slowly ate me. The five senses are visual, emotion, sound and wonder, the wonder was used to think about what could happen to me.

I enjoyed this task because it was very interesting to use the five senses explaining how it felt when there is a polar bear near trying to eat you.

Haiku Poem

L.I To create an haiku poem

For this activity we had  to find out how to write a haiku poem, to write a haiku poem, the first sentence has 5 syllables, then 7 syllables, and lastly 5 syllables. For example: The hot blazing heat, Losing lack of hydration, As heat shines above.  

I enjoyed this activity because I got to learn about haiku poems.

Abstract Noun Poem – Courage

L.I To write a poem explaining the word you have picked

For this activity we had to write a sentence explaining a word. The word we picked  was courage, we had to explain courage using the six senses, an example for hearing or sound is, I can hear somebody telling you to strive forward, achieving your goals. 

I found activity interesting because I had to find the right wording to use to explain courage.

Treaty of Waitangi

L.I To find the CARE values used in the treaty of watangi

For this task we had to find a picture that the CARE values could have been shown, the CARE values are confidence, attitude, respect and exellence. Here is a example of what confidence looked like, the Maori chiefs were confident because they are willing to sign the treaty when  they cannot understand what it says in the treaty.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to communicate with my group.

Treaty of Waitangi

To research about the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi

this task we wrote  what the treaty of waitangi was signed, there three mained pees, signed in this treaty of waitangi, the three pees were partnership, participation and protection. As these pees went on they were soon broken from the Britain people. Since they were promises to the Maori indegounes.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to learn what promises were made in this signing.